Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Aye-Ayes gone awry

So in honor of my sister Kathryn, who did not think awry was a word, I am doing a special blog on a certain animal. The aye-aye.
This animal is well, a little strange looking. It's real name is Daubentonia madagascariensis. As you might guess from it's species, its a native of Madagascar. It is the largest nocturnal primate. Being a primate it has posable thumbs, but another interesting trademark of the aye-aye is it's exceptionally long middle finger. It's middle finger can be up to three times longer than the rest of its fingers! Wow! Talk about flipping someone off!
The aye-aye is considered to be an omnivore. It chews holes in wood and uses it's elongated fingers to dig out any grubs. Eww!
Native villagers believe seeing an aye-aye is a symbol of death mostly because of how scary it looks. To counteract this bad omen one must kill the aye aye. This, along with habitat destruction, has led to the animal being added to the endagered species list.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmm i am not sure if i liked how you dedicated it to me...a simple "kathryn found this animal" would had be good...but anywho sweet pics